BMW UK Tracker
This bike was commissioned by a UK citizen (living in London).
We never met the owner of this bike until he came and retrieved it at the workshop by himself. He made it clear when he first talked to us: “No red on my motorcycle”.
It seems we have been misbehaving a bit…
But given the look on his face when he discovered the “UK Tracker”, we were right to follow our instinct.
Photos: Blitz Motorcycles

The donor bike is a BMW R80/7 from 1980:
- the whole engine has been rebuilt;
- a new electric starter has been mounted;

This mini switch is used for the starter and lights.

A honda tank from the 70’s has been adapted to the frame.
As usual, “mounted as found”.

Devil’s in the detail:
- spark plug wires’ color matching the color of the tank;
- as well as the background color of the mini speedo meter.

The whole bike has been mat black powder coated.
While the engine was 100% mat black high temperature resistant painted.

When we say “mounted as found”, we mean it: we even kept the sticker of a famous French soccer team in the 80’s. The “A.S. Monaco”.

Headlight coming from an additional headlight of a race car from the 70’s.
Yellow glass: so chic.